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    Pornstars: Martin Spell, Erika Mori – A challenging dilemma that incessantly plagues my mind and leaves me searching for answers. I often wonder why my body reacts with arousal towards women, despite enduring numerous instances of violent anal intercourse. After escaping the relentless grip of the St. Petersburg anal brigade, I now find myself working as a performer in the global porn industry. However, the question still remains – why do I feel compelled to act out my anger towards Russian girls, attempting to replicate the same pain and aggression inflicted upon me in the past?

    The answer lies in the concept of sublimation, a psychological defense mechanism where one redirects their negative emotions onto others. In my case, the trauma of my past experiences has manifested in a desire to inflict similar harm onto others, as a misguided form of coping with my own suffering. This cycle of retribution only serves to perpetuate a cycle of violence and perpetuate the pain inflicted upon victims.

    In conclusion, it is essential to acknowledge and address the root causes of our actions and behaviors, rather than perpetuate harmful cycles of violence and aggression. Only through understanding and healing from past trauma can we break free from destructive patterns and forge healthier connections with others.